Use "degeneracy|degeneracies" in a sentence


2. They were bred for degeneracy.

3. An age of vice, degeneracy, avarice.

4. They were bred for degeneracy

5. Degeneracy results from symmetry in the system.

6. Group theory supplies the number and the degeneracies of orbital terms in a symmetrical molecule.

7. We’re living through the black ages of degeneracy.

8. Synonyms for Abjections include degeneracies, depravity, decadence, debauchery, dissoluteness, corruption, perversion, dissipation, turpitude and corruptness

9. Go beyond the poverty, the disease, the dope, the degeneracy.

10. Furthermore conditions for removal of excessive degeneracy are discussed.

11. A free-boundary degeneracy as in the Saffman–Taylor problem is identified.

12. The energy is consumed in lifting the degeneracy in the core.

13. Verneuil disease requires regular monitoring to diagnose degeneracy on time.

14. When Queen Isabella learned of his degeneracy she refused to watch the wedding ceremony.

15. One electron state of this quantum dot array shows a state density degeneracy.

16. So, for some number c the electron degeneracy pressure is given by this.

17. The adaptation rates of the two echo cancellers meet certain constraints to prevent degeneracies in the echo cancellation system.

18. The results then are generalized to give more extended though no fully general conditions for excessive degeneracies in Hückel eigenvalues spectra.

19. Mathematically, the relation of degeneracy with symmetry can be clarified as follows.

20. 5 Yes, look where we will, we see moral degeneracy on every hand.

21. Yoshitoshi insisted on high standards of production, and helped save it temporarily from degeneracy.

22. Radio base station for degeneracy operation of mobile communication system in disaster and mobile communication system

23. The present paper contains results with respect to the theory of degeneracy graphs.

24. Important properties that are expected from model representations are Descriptive power, Conciseness, Invariance under transformations and Insensitiveness to modifications and degeneracies.

25. The establishment of this degeneracy condition induces a super conducting state in the tissue.

26. THE pit of moral degeneracy dug by adults has become the trap for modern youth.

27. Well, it seems your downward spiral into degeneracy has yet to make it into the " pine cone. "

28. The sterile soil would at least have been proof against a low- land degeneracy.

29. And the fruits of their degeneracy will be put to God's use. Your Grace.

30. It can be shown that no two-parameter coordinate system can avoid such degeneracy.

31. Atonality, 12-Tone Music and. the Third Reich Atonality in music signifies degeneracy and artistic bolsheuism

32. Because of this edge-degeneracy, it is not always considered to be a uniform polyhedron.

33. From the painful effects of such deviation and degeneracy the peoples themselves are the first to suffer.

34. First and foremost, I don't equate the term exclusively with sex voyeurism or, quote, " degeneracy. "

35. More than sex education is required to safeguard children from the pitfall of moral degeneracy.

36. The histopathological observation shows congestives lesions in miscellaneous organs, neuronal degeneracy at the level of cerebral cortex.

37. The parametric device (106)is configured at or near its degeneracy point and produces a broadband output (108).

38. We show that the restrictions through FESR imposed by exchange degeneracy are weaker than those of duality.

39. The Robinson-Frosch formula can be obtained for the extreme case of near degeneracy in a Shpolskii matrix.

40. The three-fold degeneracy of thev3 transition is partially removed; its band splits upon adsorption into a doublet.

41. Quantum degeneracy has been shown for only a handful of elements, among them several alkali metals and ytterbium.

42. However, when correlation with the core is included, 'accidental' degeneracies with other configurations at selected Z-values destroy the usually smooth trend and dips appear.

43. Till recently these changes were considered to be the effect of degeneracy of various body functions due to aging .

44. Verneuil disease is a chronic suppurative hidradenitis, which presents the risk of degeneracy, although it is rare.

45. In methoxy substituted boron compounds bands arising from B—O stretching and (O)−CH3 deformation modes show accidental degeneracy.

46. Numerical results show that this approach is not affected by the ill conditioning, the degeneracy and the dimension of the problem.

47. The work done in putting this nucleon to a higher energy level results in a pressure, which is the degeneracy pressure.

48. In the analysis, bandgap narrowing, carrier degeneracy, and nonparabolicity of the band structure are considered as heavy doping effects.

49. There is an additional level splitting in the excited 3E state due to the orbital degeneracy and spin-orbit interaction.

50. Due to the degeneracy of the genetic code at least 1036 other nucleotide sequences could have coded for the same polypeptide.

51. When asked about the rebellion of British youth against the old values, he replied: “I think it’s sheer degeneracy. . . .

52. The surface photoeffect in a heavily doped semiconductor was investigated using the influences of band-gap narrowing and carrier degeneracy.

53. We show that, in contrast, weak-bond disorder lifts the ground-state degeneracy in favour of locally collinear spin configurations.

54. The adults who have preached sex freedom have done much to pull modern youth into the pit of moral degeneracy.

55. The resulting degeneracy destroys any magnetic order at all temperatures and we obtain no sign of criticality, even at T = 0.

56. Simply realizing one’s degeneracy, and even desiring to avoid the pain and consequences it brings, are often insufficient motivation to overcome compulsive gambling.

57. The problem here is that the Thomas–Fermi approximation has set the degeneracy of the ground state to zero, which is wrong.

58. An article written by Hippler in the magazine "The film" about its creation marked Jews as "parasites of national degeneracy."

59. The degeneracy in a quantum mechanical system may be removed if the underlying symmetry is broken by an external perturbation.

60. The physical origin of degeneracy in a quantum-mechanical system is often the presence of some symmetry in the system.

61. The number of different states corresponding to a particular energy level is known as the degree of degeneracy of the level.

62. Clear evidence has been observed of the degeneracy along the A–L line on the hexagonal face of the Brillouin zone.

63. The group U(5) may be taken as the degeneracy (respectively, dynamical) group of five (respectively, four) equivalent oscillators or particles.

64. Their analysis was found to be difficult because of the large Coriolis interaction and the near degeneracy of ν2 and ν4.

65. Helium exhibits both stable bosonic and stable fermionic isotopes that can be cooled to so-called quantum degeneracy in a metastable excited state.

66. Degeneracy occurs whenever there exists a unitary operator that acts non-trivially on a ground state and commutes with the Hamiltonian of the system.

67. This model takes into account the effects of three-fold positional degeneracy of adsorption sites and of partial mobility of adsorbed layer.

68. Example sentences from the Web for Ataxic There may also be Ataxic symptoms, paretic weakness of bowel and bladder, trembling and spasms. Degeneracy Eugene S

69. * His study of the Bible, together with the moral degeneracy of the clergy that he had seen in Spain, shook his faith in the Catholic religion.

70. SINCE World War I we have been in a most unusual period in human history, a period that has been marked by unprecedented violence, great bloodshed and widespread moral degeneracy.

71. For the Sun and stars of less than about 2 M☉ the core will become dense enough that electron degeneracy pressure will prevent it from collapsing further.

72. For a particle in a central 1/r potential, the Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector is a conserved quantity resulting from an accidental degeneracy, in addition to the conservation of angular momentum due to rotational invariance.

73. Greatly concerned by what he perceived to be the degeneracy of British society, Wilberforce was also active in matters of moral reform, lobbying against "the torrent of profaneness that every day makes more rapid advances", and considered this issue and the abolition of the slave trade as equally important goals.